In This Course, You'll Learn Exactly:

  • How To Break The Habit of Procrastination Once and For All

  • The 4 Psychological Reasons Why You Procrastinate (Hint: It's Not Laziness)

  • 18 Productivity and Motivation Strategies So You Don't Even Want To Procrastinate Anymore

  • How I Went From Being A Full-Time Procrastinator To Unstoppable Entrepreneur By Using Simple Techniques Daily

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    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

Course curriculum

    1. Procrastination: The #1 Killer of Your Goals & Dreams

    2. How I Was a HUGE Procrastinator..

    1. Why The Lack of Clarity Leads To Procrastination

    2. Strategy 1: Improve Your Skills To Create Clarity and Stop Procrastinating

    3. Strategy 2: Set Daily Goals In Order To Create Clarity and Stop Procrastinating

    4. Strategy 3: Identify Your (Daily) Priorities In Order To Create Clarity

    5. Strategy 4: Schedule Your Day To Create Clarity and Stop Procrastinating

    6. Strategy 5: How 'Chunking' Is The Key To Stop Procrastinating On Big Projects

    1. Why Subconscious Fears Lead To Procrastination

    2. Fear #1: Fear of Rejection

    3. Fear #2: Fear of Failure

    4. Fear #2: Fear of Failure (Part 2)

    5. Fear #3: Fear of Success

    6. Fear #4: Fear of Ridicule

    7. The 7 Steps To Overcome Your Fears (And Get Rid Of Procrastination)

    8. PDF: The 7-Steps To Overcome Your Fears

    1. How The Lack of Motivation Leads To Procrastination

    2. Strategy 1: How Creating Leverage On Yourself Is The Key To Stop Procrastinating

    3. Text Lecture 'Creating Leverage' To Stop Procrastinating

    4. Strategy 2: How Your 'State' Determines Your Motivation (And How To Control It)

    5. Peak State Habits To Stop Procrastinating

    6. Strategy 3: Upgrade Your Surroundings To Upgrade Your Motivation (Part 1)

    7. Strategy 3: Upgrade Your Surroundings To Upgrade Your Motivation (Part 2)

    8. Upgrade Your Work-Space With Elevation

    9. Strategy 4: How Nike's Slogan Will Get You Motivated And Stop Procrastinating

    1. How The Lack of Momentum Leads To Procrastination (According To Laws of Physics)

    2. Strategy 1: Apply Chunking 2.0 To Create Unstoppable Momentum

    3. Strategy 2: Apply The '15-Minute' Exercise To Create Momentum

    4. End-Notes On Creating Momentum And Stopping Procrastinating Once and For All

    1. Tip #1: Get An Accountability Partner To Stop Procrastinating

    2. Tip #2: Start A 30-Day 'No Procrastinating' Challenge To Break The Habit

    3. Tip #3: Use Parkinson's Law To Give Procrastination No Room To Enter

    4. Tip #4: Use The Pomodoro Technique To Double Your Productivity

    5. The 6 Steps of The Pomodoro Technique

    6. Tip #5: Remove ALL Possible Distractions To Choke Procrastination

    7. Tip #6: Ask Yourself This 1 Simple (Yet Powerful) Question To Stop Time Wasting

About this course

  • $37.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

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